Ingr. Per 2 persone
4 fette spesse di filetto di vitello (400 gr. totali)
2 cucchiaini capperi sotto sale (sciacquati )
1 cucchiaio abbondante di senape dolce
Rosolate i filetti... |
3 filetti di alici sott’olio tritate
1 bicchiere di panna
fresca da cucina
Prezzemolo tritato (facoltativo).
2 noci di burro
Pepe macinato (verde, nero, bianco e rosa).
Insalata verde per guarnire il piatto.
Preparate la salsa alla senape:
Tritate grossolanamente i capperi
In un piccolo pentolino antiaderente fate squagliare il
burro a fuoco moderato, unite le alici e fatele squagliare, quindi aggiungete i
capperi, la panna, la senape, poco sale
e una macinata di pepe. Mescolate bene per qualche minuto facendo addensare un
pochino la salsa che terrete in caldo in attesa di essere utilizzata.
Imburrate leggermente una padella antiaderente e fatevi
rosolare i filetti di vitello 5 minuti per parte; quando saranno ben coloriti,
metteteli su un piatto da portata e cospargeteli con la salsa calda. Cospargete
(se volete) con prezzemolo tritato e servite all’istante. Una vera delizia!
Ingr. For 2 people
4 thick slices of veal fillet (400gr. Totals)
2 teaspoons salted capers (rinsed)
1 tablespoon of sweet mustard
3 chopped anchovy fillets in oil
1 glass fresh cream
Chopped parsley (optional).
2 teaspoons of butter
Ground pepper (green, black, white and pink).
Green salad to garnish the dish.
Prepare the mustard sauce:
Coarsely chop the capers
In a small nonstick saucepan melt the butter ( moderate heat), add the anchovies and let them melt, then add the capers, cream, mustard, a little salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir well for a few minutes and let the sauce thicken. Set aside.
Lightly butter a frying pan and sauté the beef filets 5 minutes on each side, when they are well colored, put them on a serving dish and sprinkle with the hot sauce. Sprinkle (if you want) with chopped parsley and serve immediately. Delicious!
Cospargeteli con la salsa calda... |
Ingr. For 2 people
4 thick slices of veal fillet (400gr. Totals)
2 teaspoons salted capers (rinsed)
1 tablespoon of sweet mustard
3 chopped anchovy fillets in oil
1 glass fresh cream
Chopped parsley (optional).
2 teaspoons of butter
Ground pepper (green, black, white and pink).
Green salad to garnish the dish.
Prepare the mustard sauce:
Coarsely chop the capers
In a small nonstick saucepan melt the butter ( moderate heat), add the anchovies and let them melt, then add the capers, cream, mustard, a little salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir well for a few minutes and let the sauce thicken. Set aside.
Lightly butter a frying pan and sauté the beef filets 5 minutes on each side, when they are well colored, put them on a serving dish and sprinkle with the hot sauce. Sprinkle (if you want) with chopped parsley and serve immediately. Delicious!
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