Sembra una vera crostata alla frutta. |
Avete degli ospiti improvvisi e non sapete cosa servire per dessert?
Provate questi
dolcetti, saranno graditi a tutti. Volendo potete anche spalmarli con crema pasticciera, prima di mettere le fette di pesca.
Ingr. Per 4 persone
4 fette di pancarrè
16 cucchiaini di marmellata di pesche (o albicocche)
1 pesca-noce
Poco zucchero
Farina di cocco per la guarnizione
Dividete ogni fetta di pancarrè in 4 quadrati. Lavate la pesca e tagliatela a fettine sottili
con tutta la buccia.
Ponete due fettine di pesca, leggermente sovrapposte, sulle
fette di pancarrè, spolverate di zucchero
e ponete in una teglia da forno; quindi infornate a 180° C per circa 7-8
minuti o fin quando la base risulta colorita. Estraete i dolcetti dal forno,
cospargeteli con poca marmellata di pesche, spolverate con farina di cocco e
servite tiepidi o freddi. Una vera delizia!
You Have unexpected guests sudden don't know what serve for dessert?
Try these little cakes ,everibody will like them. You can also spread bread with a cream before put the peach slices...
Ingr. for 4 persons:
4 slices of bread into
16 teaspoons jam of peaches (or apricots)
1 walnut-peach
Little sugar
Coconut flour for garnishing
Divide each slice of bread into 4 squares. Wash the peach and cut it into thin slices with the whole skin.
Put two slices, slightly overlapping, on the bread slices, sprinkle with sugar and put in a baking pan; then bake at 180° C for about 7-8 minutes or until the base is colorful. Remove the cakes from the oven, sprinkle with a little jam of peaches, sprinkle with flour of coconut and serve warm or cold. A real delight!
Try these little cakes ,everibody will like them. You can also spread bread with a cream before put the peach slices...
Ingr. for 4 persons:
4 slices of bread into
16 teaspoons jam of peaches (or apricots)
1 walnut-peach
Little sugar
Coconut flour for garnishing
Divide each slice of bread into 4 squares. Wash the peach and cut it into thin slices with the whole skin.
Put two slices, slightly overlapping, on the bread slices, sprinkle with sugar and put in a baking pan; then bake at 180° C for about 7-8 minutes or until the base is colorful. Remove the cakes from the oven, sprinkle with a little jam of peaches, sprinkle with flour of coconut and serve warm or cold. A real delight!
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