Ingr. Per 4 persone:
2 mele grandi (possibilmente renette)
600 gr. di fesa di tacchino
1 tazze brodo vegetale
4 cucchiai di panna da cucina
30 gr. di burro
3 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
1 cucchiaino di curry in polvere
1 cucchiaio di succo di limone
6 cucchiai di farina
28 peperoni “friggitelli” per decorazione e contorno
Olio di semi per friggere
Preparate il brodo vegetale con un dado, e tenete da parte.
Sbucciate le mele e tagliatele a pezzettoni (tenetele a
bagno in acqua acidulata con succo di limone fino al loro utilizzo).
Friggete i peperoni in abbondante olio bollente e poi
scolateli su carta assorbente. Salate e tenete da parte per decorare il piatto.
Aggiungete le mele scolate dal liquido... |
Mettete a soffriggere la cipolla nel burro e nell’olio di
oliva; appena è appassita, aggiungervi il tacchino e fatelo rosolare bene da
ogni lato per 5 minuti; bagnatelo con il
brodo, aggiungete il cucchiaino di curry e fatelo cuocere a fuoco moderato per 25
minuti o fin quando risulterà tenero (se vedete che il liquido si è ritirato, aggiungete ancora poco brodo).
10 minuti prima della
fine della cottura, aggiungete la panna e le mele scolate dal liquido.
Mescolate delicatamente e portate a termine la cottura (le mele dovranno
risultare tenere ma “al dente”).
Il tacchino a fine cottura. |
Ingr. for 4 people:
2 large apples (possibly renette)
600 gr. Of turkey breast
1 cups vegetable broth
1 onion minced
4 tablespoons cream
30 gr. butter
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6 tablespoons flour
28 "friggitelli" peppers for decoration
Seeds oil for frying
Prepare the vegetable broth and set aside.
Peel the apples and cut into big chunks (keep them in water acidulated with lemon juice till you will use them).
Fry the peppers in hot oil and then drain on paper towels. Season with salt and set aside to decorate the plate.
Cut the turkey into cubes 2 cm long and then flour it.
Sauté the onion in butter and olive oil; when it is just wilted, add the turkey and let it brown on each side for 5 minutes, wet with broth, add a teaspoon of curry powder and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes or until tender will be (if you see that the liquid is shrinked, add another little broth).
10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cream and apples drained from liquid.
Stir gently and finish the cooking (the apples should be tender but "al dente").
Serve in dishes and garnish with friggitelli still warm.
1 cups vegetable broth
1 onion minced
4 tablespoons cream
30 gr. butter
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6 tablespoons flour
28 "friggitelli" peppers for decoration
Seeds oil for frying
Prepare the vegetable broth and set aside.
Peel the apples and cut into big chunks (keep them in water acidulated with lemon juice till you will use them).
Fry the peppers in hot oil and then drain on paper towels. Season with salt and set aside to decorate the plate.
Cut the turkey into cubes 2 cm long and then flour it.
Sauté the onion in butter and olive oil; when it is just wilted, add the turkey and let it brown on each side for 5 minutes, wet with broth, add a teaspoon of curry powder and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes or until tender will be (if you see that the liquid is shrinked, add another little broth).
10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cream and apples drained from liquid.
Stir gently and finish the cooking (the apples should be tender but "al dente").
Serve in dishes and garnish with friggitelli still warm.
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