Ingr. Per 4 persone:
12 foglie di lattuga
300 gr. ricotta
100 gr. salmone affumicato
1 patata
4 rametti di Timo
3 cucchiai di olio
1 spicchio di aglio a pezzetti
Lavate i pomodori. Praticate sulla base un’incisione a croce
e tuffateli per 2 minuti in acqua bollente (che terrete da parte perché vi
servirà per sbollentare la lattuga). Quando saranno pronti, tirateli fuori con
un mestolo forato e gettateli subito in acqua fredda per poi spellarli con facilità. Riduceteli a
cubetti e tenete da parte.
In una grande padella dai bordi alti mettete a soffriggere
per qualche secondo l’aglio nell’olio. Aggiungete
la polpa di pomodoro, il sale, il pepe e un rametto di timo. Unite i
pacchettini di lattuga e lasciate insaporire per 5 minuti. Servite caldi nel
piatto da portata.
Ingr. For 4 people:
Ingr. For 4 people:
300 gr. Ricotta Cheese
100 gr. Smoked Salmon
1 potato
4 sprigs thyme
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 clove of garlic chopped
Boil the potato. When it will be soft, drain, skin and mush with the proper tool in a bowl. Add the ricotta cheese, the chopped salmon, leaves of thyme, a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix everything well and set aside in refrigerator while you prepare the other ingredients.
Wash the tomatoes. Practice with a kife, on the basis, a cross and plunge them in boiling water (that you will keep because you will need for the lettuce) for 2 minutes. When they are ready, remove them with a skimmer, plunge immediately in cold water and then cut away the skin. Dice them into small cubes
and set aside.
Wash the lettuce leaves and then plunge in boiling salted water; cook for 2 minutes. As it will be ready, drain and put them to dry on a tablecloth. Fill them with a spoonful of the filling and then close in a package shape.
In a large saucepan (with high edges) put to fry, for a few seconds, the garlic in the oil; add the tomato pulp, salt, and pepper, and a sprig of thyme. Join the lettuce packets and cook for 5 minutes. Serve hot in serving dish.
Wash the tomatoes. Practice with a kife, on the basis, a cross and plunge them in boiling water (that you will keep because you will need for the lettuce) for 2 minutes. When they are ready, remove them with a skimmer, plunge immediately in cold water and then cut away the skin. Dice them into small cubes
and set aside.
Wash the lettuce leaves and then plunge in boiling salted water; cook for 2 minutes. As it will be ready, drain and put them to dry on a tablecloth. Fill them with a spoonful of the filling and then close in a package shape.
In a large saucepan (with high edges) put to fry, for a few seconds, the garlic in the oil; add the tomato pulp, salt, and pepper, and a sprig of thyme. Join the lettuce packets and cook for 5 minutes. Serve hot in serving dish.
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