*Nota 1: Per questo piatto non serve unire la
besciamella, così risulta più leggero.
*Nota 2: Volendo alleggerire il piatto ulteriormente, potete
grigliare le zucchine invece di friggerle.
Ingr. Per uno stampo da 20 cm (2-3 persone):
180 gr. tortiglioni o rigatoni;
Ragù misto di carne e funghi già pronto (io ho usato il Ragù
Star ai funghi, per comodità e perché mi piace;)
60gr. fontina a cubetti;
50 gr. parmigiano grattugiato;
2 uova sode;
1 fetta prosciutto cotto;
3 zucchine grandi e lunghe;
Olio per friggere.
Lavate le zucchine e poi tagliatele in fettine spesse circa
5 mm. Fatele poi friggere in abbondante olio bollente. Appena saranno dorate
mettetele su carta assorbente e usatele per foderare uno stampo antiaderente a
cupola oppure come quello che si usa per
i budini. Lasciate al centro un piccolo spazio dove adagerete le uova sode
affettate non troppo sottili.
Lasciare intiepidire 5 minuti prima di capovolgere lo stampo
su un piatto da portata.
Servite e godete!
* Note 1: For this dish you don't need to join bechamel, so it is lighter.
* Note 1: For this dish you don't need to join bechamel, so it is lighter.
* Note 2: If You Want To lighten the dish further, you can grill the zucchini instead of fry them.
180gr. Tortiglioni or Maccheroni;
Bolognese sauce- mixed meat and mushrooms already ready;
60gr. Fontina cheese, cubed;
Bolognese sauce- mixed meat and mushrooms already ready;
60gr. Fontina cheese, cubed;
50 gr. Grated Parmesan cheese;
2 hard boiled eggs;
1 slice ham;
3 large and long zucchini;
Oil for frying.
Oil for frying.
Wash zucchini and then slice them in slices about 5 mm. thick. Then fry them in abundant hot oil. As soon as they become golden put them on absorbent paper and use them for lining a non-stick mold like the one you
use for puddings. Letin the center a small space where you will lay the hard boiled eggs sliced but not too thin. In the meanwhile put to cook the pasta in abundant salted boiling water.
Cook al dente and then season with the sauce, cheese, and ham. Put the pasta thus seasoned inside the mold. Close with the slices of zucchini that come out and put in the oven at 220° for about 10 minutes.
Cook al dente and then season with the sauce, cheese, and ham. Put the pasta thus seasoned inside the mold. Close with the slices of zucchini that come out and put in the oven at 220° for about 10 minutes.
Allow to cool 5 minutes before you flip the mold on a serving dish.
Serve and enjoy!
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